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Re: Burms & Boas - & Stupid People, Oh MY!!!

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Posted by Lisa on May 11, 2001 at 10:52:17:

In Reply to: Burms & Boas posted by Ron on May 10, 2001 at 18:27:11:

It doesn't take years of herping experience to tell you, "Something is *definitely* wrong there!!" Newbie or not, good call.

I think the conventional thinking :) is that *IF* you have sufficient ambiant room temperature, supplemental lighting and heating may not be necessary (think, large, mostly terrestrial python in warm, dark rainforest - no place to bask). The boas might need it more than the burms. However, I don't know too much about large boids - so I might be wrong.

Either way, I doubt the enclosure you described is warm enough period. And the fecal matter, and sheds point to definite neglect. Big snakes do $#it big, and sheds are big too - especially if they get shredded, but with 4 or 5 snakes in there, cleanliness should be real important - and if they are only getting fed once a year, not only is that not enough, but that means they aren't eliminating very often anyways. Airborne fecal matter being inhaled by the snakes could contribute to respiratory infections, as could mites, which I am willing to bet they also have.

Makes you wonder, if they say they make bad pets - why do *THEY* have them!!!

What petstore was this? This is the kind of neglect that gives reptile keepers a bad name - not to mention the cruelty to the animals. I'm not sure what can be done, but we could try...


: I what I saw that is bothering me is a "cage" (more like a portion of the rafters closed off with wire mesh and particle board approximately 8'x4' that was housing 3 large burmese pythons along with several boas. There is no dedicated heat or light for these snakes. There is large amounts of fecal matter as well as apparently several years worth of sheds.

: I was told by the owner of the store as well as other employees on separate occasion that the feeding schedule is "I throw a couple of large rabbits in there every 6-8 months". Keep in mind there are at least 4-5 snakes in this "cage". I was also told "yeah, those burms are always getting sick, they end up with respiritory infections all the time...they are not good pets". NO WONDER THEY ARE SICK! LOOK AT HOW YOU KEEP THEM!!

: I wish that there was something that I could do. I feel that these snakes should not be kept in such a manner.

: BTW, If I am wrong, please feel free to correct me, as I am new to herping.


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