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Re: Aliquippa

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Posted by Lisa on May 15, 2001 at 13:31:20:

In Reply to: Aliquippa posted by Todd Evans on May 14, 2001 at 14:16:55:

Actually, it doesn't sound like you are defending the store just because it's another store or anything - in fact, it makes alot of sense, that the snakes were rescued. That would explain the respiratory problems and the comments about not making good pets - obviously they didn't make good pets for someone or they wouldn't have been dumped on the petstore. I was hoping that the rafter cage he described would be warm enough, might be drafty though, and if the snakes had resp infections already, that wouldn't help. But at least someone took them in. I have to give them credit for that - although I do help with the Reptile Rescue, I can't take in animals that big.

I had planned to check out the store this past Sunday, but I didn't have time, and next weekend I am going to War Practice - so that's out of the question as well... I was glad to hear you had more info on that store - I had meant to ask you on Sunday about it, but I got distracted...

It has been my experience that no petstore intentionally mistreats or neglects their animals (except maybe reptiles at Petsmart - even Petco has them beat). Aside from most petstore owners/workers being generally caring people, it would actually be bad business for them to neglect animals (unless they were trying for the sympathy factor).

Glad it's not as bad there as it may have sounded... Thanks for the info.


: I have not personally been to that store, but George has. According to his description, none of the things you mentioned were present at the time of his visit. There are 3 large burms, a smaller one, and a boa. The heat in the rafters is plenty enough for the snakes, and the humidiy given off by the fish tanks should be enough to sustain the animals. As to the care and cleanliness of the snakes, I'm not sure. I do know that if all 5 snakes shed around the same time, that it would seem like a years worth of shed. The fecal matter means that they are well fed. If there is nothing to expell, then they wouldn't expell anything. Anyway, I do admire your love for the snakes and reporting a potentially bad situation, but the fact is, these animals are cared for. They are not pets, and they probably won't be either. They were rescues that were "dumped" on the store, and they were good enough to take them in. The snakes would be happier, I'm sure, in a new home with constant attention and availability of food. The problem is, nobody wants to buy them, in fact, the people that originally had them didn't want them anymore, so why would somebody buy them. It is a sad situation that larger snakes become unwanted and unloaded, but at least Aquatic Garden took in the animals to save their lives. It could have been worse.

: The point I'm trying to make, being an employee of a different pet store and all, is that sometimes it's just not feasable to take EXCELLENT care of every animal. Those snakes need a VERY large enclosure, the rafters was the only available space the store had. As far as food, rabbits aren't always available and are not cheap. If the store were to take care of the snakes under optimum circumstances, the store would take the risk of losing money to make these animals (that nobody wants) more comfortable.

: I know it sounds like I'm defending the store, but I see nothing that we can do that would actually save the snakes. If we insist that they give them better conditions, then we take the risk of losing the snakes, and unfortunately there isn't any room in the law for cruelty to reptiles.

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