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Re: Aliquippa

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Posted by BTL on May 16, 2001 at 08:28:46:

In Reply to: Re: Aliquippa posted by Lisa on May 16, 2001 at 04:39:27:

I have a problem with petsmart on the corprate level too, they just care about profits and not about animals. I start there tommorow and pretty much will just work on the herps all day long. The problem i found with past people making orders is that they put no though in to the herps that were orderd except "i wonder what this looks like" instead of "can we keep this alive/sell it". I do argee brookesia chams have no place in petsmart and neiter do small toads and i really hate that we have to carry turtles (Most people just put the RES in their ponds or dont want to shell out the bucks to proerally keep it indoors. One thing i have gotten good at there is talking people out of impulse buying). I do enjoy the job though, it gives me a chance to work with alot of different animals i wouldent have any contact with otherwise.

I have never been to any petsmarts besides robinsons, but last time i was there the reptiles were looking pretty down and out. The mangement of that section chaned so i dont know what else has changed. I have also heard that the other stores have more up to date herp inclosures, not the plywood death trap at robinson and i know that corprate wont change it (it has been tried).

As far as the mice thing goes, the only ones they carry there are "pet" mice and rats (no differnce in my mind, i dont like rodents very much) and that means they sell em for 5-7 bucks a pop. That is really more than i would pay for a feeder. I have no idea why they dont sell snakes, probally because so many people are frighened of them, and i am kind of glad they dont carry snakes because i know we would see a ton of baby burms, W/C balls and probally even retics coming into the store and i would not want to sell anyone of those snakes to someone who shops at petsmart.


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