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Re: Aliquippa

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Posted by Lisa on May 16, 2001 at 04:39:27:

In Reply to: Re: Aliquippa posted by BTL on May 15, 2001 at 14:45:04:

That's really good to hear! The Petsmart at Robinson is just bad - they have this nasty habit of getting in herps that are *not* for beginners - Todd had mentioned the stump-tailed chameleon (Brookesia) and I often see mountain horned dragons (Acanthosaura). Both are very hard to care for properly, even for experienced keepers. I wanted to buy the MHD just to try to save it. The manager I talked to about posting TSHS flyers was rude to me, and started arguing with me, saying that that was soliciting. So yeah, I have a bad attitude about Petsmart. I only go there for rosy reds.

Most herpers problem with Petsmart is at the corporate level. Supposedly unless you are a licensed and Petsmart corporately approved organization, you can't post info in their store - and that's just ridiculous - that a bird, ferret, or reptile club doesn't qualify, but Humane Society's, Greyhound Rescues, the CFA and AKC do? Sounds like discrimination against pets that aren't cats or dogs to me... Not to mention the stupid rule about not selling rodents as feeders, and not selling snakes, etc. They wouldn't even sell garter snakes - and they eat fish! Apparently it's ok to be cruel to goldfish and rosy reds - they can be fed to mean and nasty snakes - but not the cute little fuzzy mice! LOL! When I first heard that, I said, but my snake needs to eat too - it's called the food chain! That didn't go over too well - the older clerk acted like I was scum or something.

The other Petsmart's I have been to aren't much better. The Petsmart in Washington is mediocre at best, and while the one in Greensburg seems to have a really well run reptile dept.(and *does* display a flyer for TSHS, I might add)it seems to be the exception to the rule. Herpers from around the country often tell the same tale.

I hope you can make some changes for the better, Reptiles at Petsmart need someone who is "on their side"! Good luck!


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