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Re: Not so.

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Posted by Mr. D on January 04, 2003 at 02:29:46:

In Reply to: Not so. posted by Lyle on January 03, 2003 at 22:01:19:

You enjoy your one night off. I'm beginning to see that you're just turning out to be one of the individuals giving the hobby a bad rap. Bi**h, moan, whine every time you don't like something but don't bother to lift finger one in ANY direction. Let someone else solve the problem. The problem in this case is that all the wrong people are doing the work, they're working against the entire industry/hobby and they're succeeding. For everyone's sake that's at all involved with reptile keeping I can only hope that you're a small minority that has the narrow thinking that you're exhibiting. Gee, if somehow the reptile community could get even SLIGHTLY organized you might be able to convince people that the hobby doesn't need any regulation. But until you take the time out of your obviously incredibly busy schedule to educate JQP about proper husbandry, etc. s/he is only going to know what everyone OUTside the hobby wants him/her to know and that information is what they'll act on. Keep whining, Lyle. I'm sure some good will come from it some day...

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