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Not so.

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Posted by Lyle on January 03, 2003 at 22:01:19:

In Reply to: Re: About time? posted by Mr. D on January 03, 2003 at 20:44:37:

"BUT - and there always is one - by claiming your right to stay "a safe distance away" and NOT beome involved you effectively also give up the right to p**s and moan about anything that you dislike or decide is unfair to you. Just remember that...."

There's where you're wrong. I can voice my opinion on anything that I dislike, regardless of the fact that I'm not going to join one of these herp groups that think they can change the world by making "better" herp laws.

"Because I'm sure that there will be much more to come that you're not going to like. In fact, I'll almost guarantee it."

Things happen every day that I don't like, but it's not always people on the "other side" of whatever issue that are p#ssing me off. I've learned that just because someone shares a common interest with you don't mean they give a d@mn about your interests.

Anyway, I'm going to go and enjoy my only day (well, night) off of work this week. Later

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