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Posted by Lyle on January 04, 2003 at 03:53:04:
In Reply to: Re: Not so. posted by Mr. D on January 04, 2003 at 02:29:46:
I don't know how long you've been coming to these forums, but if you've been here a few years, you might know that my attitude wasn't always this way. You expect me to get involved in the effort, yet I can't even post my opinion on what those efforts should be directed toward without getting flamed by the people on this forum. Please explain to me why I should devote my time toward helping such people.
"You enjoy your one night off. I'm beginning to see that you're just turning out to be one of the individuals giving the hobby a bad rap."
I would love to hear you explain just what I've done to give the hobby a bad rap. Or was that just a BS comment intended to p#ss me off and draw me into a long and boring debate?
"Bi**h, moan, whine every time you don't like something but don't bother to lift finger one in ANY direction."
Should I be offended by that comment? Sorry, but it doesn't apply to me. I've always dealt with my problems in my own way, my way has just been changing a bit lately.
"Let someone else solve the problem."
I've never had such an attitude, because I don't trust anyone else to do anything but make the problem worse.
"The problem in this case is that all the wrong people are doing the work, they're working against the entire industry/hobby and they're succeeding."
And who might the "right" people be? I once thought it would be nice if herpers had more control over how the hobby was regulated, then I started listening to their opinions. In MY opinion, there are no right people for the job.
"For everyone's sake that's at all involved with reptile keeping I can only hope that you're a small minority that has the narrow thinking that you're exhibiting."
If I wasn't so thick-skinned, that might have hurt.
"Gee, if somehow the reptile community could get even SLIGHTLY organized you might be able to convince people that the hobby doesn't need any regulation."
That's what I used to think. But the realization I've come to recently is that you can't, for the most part, change people's minds. Once somebody's formed their opinion on a sunject, it's usually set in stone. Why should I waste my time trying to spread my views when my words fall on deaf ears? Especially if my only motivation for speaking in the first place is to help those who ignore me and my opinion. Afterall, I don't give a d@mn if the hobby is banned, I'll still keep herps. It's all these herpers who feel it's their duty to the government (as if we have one) to obey the laws that are written by morons who are going to be hurt. Maybe if everyone would be a little less disrespectful toward the people they share this hobby with, I'd be inclined to associate myself with them a bit more. Don't get me wrong, there are some nice people in the hobby. But their numbers are much less than those of people I just can't stand to be around.
"But until you take the time out of your obviously incredibly busy schedule to educate JQP about proper husbandry, etc. s/he is only going to know what everyone OUTside the hobby wants him/her to know and that information is what they'll act on."
Please! All it takes is one stupid commercial to sway someone's opinion. My mother voted for an anti-trapping initiative because of a commercial put out by the HSUS. I tried forever to change her opinion by presenting her with facts on the subject, all it took was that one commercial to make up her mind and nothing I said could change it. This has been the same problem I'm presented with when I tell people that I keep snakes. If they thought it was bad before you started talking to them, there isn't much of a chance that you will change their mind. Don't get me wrong, I try to educate people about herp keeping every chance I get. But the only people whose opinions I affect are those who didn't have one before I talked to them. That's all I can do for this hobby. I'm sick of wasting my time voicing my opinion on a subject and then having to listen to personal attacks, generalizations, false accusations, etc. from a bunch of idiots who don't even know me. I don't trust such people enough to work alongside them to try and change things for the better.
"Keep whining, Lyle. I'm sure some good will come from it some day..."
My memory isn't that good. Would you mind copying and pasting all the whines I've made so far and posting them for me? Or maybe your definition of whining is posting an opinion that isn't in line with your own.
I'm already a few hours past my bedtime, so I'm gonna leave it at that for a while.
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