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Posted by GyrFalcon on April 17, 2003 at 09:05:10:

In Reply to: Re: JUST GOT BIT !!!! NOW WHAT ?? posted by joemichaelaz on April 17, 2003 at 03:20:28:

Put something else on that bite, H2o2 is not a disinfectant of any kind. all it does is break down red blood cells, causing them to clot. Put something with BNP, like neosporin, on it. Make sure to wash it with antibacterial soap, and if you have any xenodine, put that on there too. I would leave the wound open, too. (No bandaids, unless actively bleeding.)

::First off, the most conern is for your health. I would put h. peroxide on the bite and wrap it in a huge bandaid. I'm sure you feel very betrayed by your snake however snakes are like this, generally unpredictable. Snakes usually do not bite unless they feel threatened but since you said he was on you for 2 minutes and he was wrapping around your leg, he might have mistaking you for food or was extremely hungry. As for my snakes I usually soak the snake in a mild soap (Such as Herbal Essenses or Bath and Body Work Soaps.. some soap that is very mild) right after he/she sheds. Everytime I hold the snake or put my hand in the cage I use the same soap that is on the snake on my hands. The snake associates the smell with itself and is less likely to bite. If it bites your hand it will prob. bite itself. As for Lysol I would wash that off asap and from now keep a bottle of Whiskey or Gin close by so you can splash him on the face. For a 11 ft. Burmese I would rec. atleast 1 other adult when you hold the snake.
::Besides that you should always have a bottle of Jack around, not just for the snake but for drinking. =)


:Thanks for the reply and the concerns about my arm. I did put peroxide on it ASAP or should I say my four year old did it. I was too shaken to get the top off. This was my first bite. And I'll tell you - it really scared the crap out of me... Now I know how to react and I hope I don’t have to use this knowledge in the future. I just don’t know why. She ate just five days ago… a full-grown rabbit, about 10 lbs. I was told that by spraying your arms with a disinfectant you avoid the chance of a strike because you are eliminating odors. And secondly the snake won’t bite you because it doesn’t like the smell… Probably the reason I reacted and thought of telling my son to get it. Well I'll tell you - that was a hell of a learning experience - I wont soon forget … Thanks again for the reply.


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