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Re: Not trying to be rude or seem smarter just pointing >>>more

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Posted by Joemichaelaz on April 18, 2003 at 18:04:05:

In Reply to: Not trying to be rude or seem smarter just pointing >>>more posted by highlander1 on April 18, 2003 at 12:41:07:

Thanks to all that reply with the helpful information. My snake is doing fine. Lysol will not cause any permanent damage. I've spoken to several people and the company about it and I'm not worried. Today she was out of the tank and doing fine.

As I've said before - This was my first bite. I've never been bitten in over 35 years of owning snakes... That’s a dam good record if you ask anyone and I've had my share reptiles during that time - in fact - too many to count. Christen is the smallest of the Burmese Pythons that I've owned.

What I believe it boils down to is that maybe she was hungry, that’s it !!!
Nothing else. I’ve been handling this snake the same way for over 7 years. I’ve taken her to my children’s school at least 4 times in the past two years for show and tell with out incident.

Lets drop this thread because there are too many assumptions being made without knowing ALL facts. And I don’t want this to turn into a pi$$ing contest or bashing the owner contest.

The only lesson here that can be learned is to relax when bitten… and not panic.

Thanks again…

Joe Michael

Now back to lurking mode.

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