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Re: Help identify please...

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Posted by geekgrl72 on December 19, 2002 at 09:30:48:

In Reply to: Re: Help identify please... posted by snakeguy88 on December 18, 2002 at 19:20:55:

After doing some extensive research on the Net, I'm pretty much convinced that it is a Hemidactylus Turcicus. Almost all the pictures I have seen look just like it. Generally known as the Mediterranean Gecko (the ones I always see outside on my house). Because it's still a baby and I've only had it for a few days, does anyone think that I should just let it go since they are used to being in the wild and can easily fend for themselves? Or should I go ahead and keep it? Does anyone else have this type for a pet? I'm looking for a gecko that will be very hand friendly but also one that isn't going to remain so small as he is right now... Any help would be greatly appreciated

:If it was wild caught, I believe it is a Hemidactylus turcicus or at least some species of Hemidactylus or house geckos. Introduced from tropical areas of the world. Eat crickets and inverts, you can keep them just like it would be outside as they have been living there. Provide some kind of hide box or plants for it to hide in. Andy

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