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Posted by WW on October 30, 2002 at 12:38:28:

In Reply to: Why is everyone so upset... posted by Kenny Wray on October 30, 2002 at 11:22:46:

... it messes things up, and messes people up. On a number of occasions, Hoser scooped other reserachers who had the taxa concerned under study or even a serious scientific description in press.

Moreover, whereas those of us who know something about taxonomy can make up out own minds as to whether to accept this new taxonomy or not, other users of scientific nomenclature may not be able to. This applies both to toxinology, which is pretty bad anyway for taxonomic practice, and is only likely to be further confused by new, poorly substantiated taxa, and certainly the herpetoculture hobby, where some traders jump on the bandwagon to get a better price for their specimens of a "newly discovered species" while others may not. I get enough enquiries from that sector to know what this sort of mess can do.

For more discussion of some of the issues, see the link below.



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