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More info...... and I have a PIC of him

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Posted by kephy on May 01, 2003 at 15:28:00:

In Reply to: C'mon...admit it... posted by cindy on May 01, 2003 at 12:59:03: love your other herps and really want to keep it for a while before releasing it, so set up a tank and filter for it and enjoy it for a year or two!::

TRUE. But I know when I'm over my head, and I really just want to do what's best for the little guy. If that means releasing him after two weeks or keeping him for a year, I'll do what it takes. I'm also thinking that if we have him for longer than a week or two I'll take him to my herp vet and get him checked out and see what she thinks.

::I don't know where you are from, but commons here in MO won't even lay eggs until later in May, and those eggs won't hatch until later in the summer, so odds are you have a really malnourished yearling that needs fattening up.::

I'm from Texas. As for his age I really don't know. I took him to Petsmart w/ me yesterday to get the crickets, and the reptile girl there said she thought it was a hatchling because it still had a belly-button sort of thing, and she also thought he looked pretty fat. She also thought he was floating a lot and said we should keep an eye on that to make sure his swim blatter is okay. However, I am weary of any info I get from anyone at Petsmart, so I took it all with a grain of salt. His shell is about 1 1/2 - 2 inches in diameter, for whatever that's worth.

::(can you tell I am the queen of rationalization when it comes to finding excuses to keep a new pet?)::

I'm the same way. We already have 8 other pets, what's one more gonna hurt? Nine is a good number. :)

But like I said I know when I'm over my head, and I'm not sure a full grown snapping turtle is something we would be prepared to deal with. Plus there's that great feeling you get when you release an animal back into the wild where it came from.......

Anyhow, here's a picture of the little fella.

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