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Posted by cindy on May 01, 2003 at 12:59:03:

In Reply to: Okay, thank you! :) n/p posted by kephy on May 01, 2003 at 12:40:54: love your other herps and really want to keep it for a while before releasing it, so set up a tank and filter for it and enjoy it for a year or two!

I don't know where you are from, but commons here in MO won't even lay eggs until later in May, and those eggs won't hatch until later in the summer, so odds are you have a really malnourished yearling that needs fattening up. It is probably one of the majority that wouldn't have reached adulthood in the wild, so do it a favor and keep it a while.

(can you tell I am the queen of rationalization when it comes to finding excuses to keep a new pet?)

I like AquaClears for turtle tanks, until they get into a bigger tank and I switch to a canister. It may not eat until acclimated, but get a couple of the smallest rosie reds in the feeder tank at WalMart or PETsMART as tank mates (and future meals) and some turtle pellets for a balanced diet. I give mine Zoo Med's M-F and rosies on the weekends, and sometimes small worms or pinhead crix. Mine won't eat the pellets if live foods are available all the time, so I do NOT give it live food on week days.

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