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Re: Airborne Express

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Posted by rkreptiles on February 14, 2003 at 19:17:17:

In Reply to: Airborne Express posted by reptile world on February 13, 2003 at 23:17:47:

Yes Airborne knowingly accept live reptiles but only Tortoises. they will allow you to ship them through them but you are suppose to fill out a declration that waives any responsibilty on their part. You can also insure the animal, but they WILL NOT reimburse you on any perishable items. There are many of us that have the same problems with them as well as other carriers. Airborne lost a number of packages for me. 1 was a package that contained 2 baby (8 week old) Panther Chameleons, the package was gone for 4 days with no idea where it was, another was a 9 month old Ambanja Blue Bar Panther. they lost it for one full day and when they found it, it was sitting on the tarmac in an non temperature controlled crate. Needless to say the animals in these shipments perished and even though they were insured, AIRBORNE would not pay a penny to reimburse for them. If the packgage gets lost and they never find it, then and only then will AIRBORNE possibly reimburse anything. Here is the exact rule from AIRBORNE for you to see. Please don't be fooled into thinking that they will pay for anything they lose or damage when they will not.

7. Shipments of tortoise, frogs, non-venomous insects, live fish, and crustaceans only under the following conditions:

a. Such shipments must be boxed or crated so as to prevent escape, insure safe transportation with ordinary care in handling, and assure protection to any person handling the shipment.

b. Compliance with all laws, ordinances or government rules and regulations governing the transportation of live creatures.

c. Airborne Express assumes no liability for the conduct or act of the animals to themselves or to each other, such as biting, kicking, goring or smothering.

d. Sender must provide a letter absolving Airborne Express of all liability for loss, damage, or delay of such shipments.

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