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Re: Small time breeders - how in the heck do you ship???

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Posted by beardievillage on November 06, 2002 at 17:23:20:

In Reply to: Small time breeders - how in the heck do you ship??? posted by wendigo on November 06, 2002 at 14:57:40:

I use USPS without any problems. They accept most kinds of reptiles and from my experience have been reliable. They also are inexpensive at only $17 for up to 2 pounds.

:I breed yellow ackies, and am just selling my first two clutches. Having purchased many reptiles through the mail (UPS, USPS, Delta DASH etc) I never thought it would be that difficult to ship them out. First I tried UPS, only to find I needed to be a "verified shipper". No problem I figured, I'll just get set up as a verified shipper. Well it turns out you need to have a daily pick up account (no I don't need to poor UPS guy coming to my house every day) which costs $7-$16 a week. I have a clutch or two every other month, so using UPS is ridiculous.

:Next I figure I'll just shell out the big bucks (I'm picking up the shipping) and do Delta DASH. I call them and they say I can ship in 4-6 weeks after someone from the FAA comes and inspects my house. WHAT the heck is up with that? So I end up calling Delta PetFirst, who sends dogs and cats, and they are shipping my lizards for me, for 72 bucks.

:What is the small time breeder supposed to do? Do most of you use the post office and overnight stuff? I never thought it would be this difficult!


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