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Re: Airborne Express!!!

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Posted by Jaremy on November 16, 2002 at 10:56:38:

In Reply to: Airborne Express!!! posted by Reptile World on November 08, 2002 at 20:36:43:

:Airborne Express allows the transport of non venomous cold blooded animals without any problem. I use them all the time, and I put stickers all over the box that say "Live Harmless Reptiles, Handle with Care", and the drivers pick them up without any problems.

:You can also set up an account in minutes by calling 1-800-Airborne, or go to If you register for internet shipping, which is free, you can get quotes online, order shipping supplies, and schedule pickups direct to your door. You also can print the labels out direct from the website and stick them right on the box.

:I hope that this comes in handy.

:Billy Brenner
:Reptile World

This is true! I have received to snakes in the mail this week from Airborne Express and both showed up at my door before 10 AM. I am in central Iowa and one was shipped all the way from Florida. The other was from St. Louis. Both of my boxes were marked Live Reptiles. I spoke with the breeder in Florida and he also told me Airborne Express is the BEST!

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