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Re: seems everyone needs more information...

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Posted by Dana on April 19, 2002 at 12:43:00:

In Reply to: seems everyone needs more information... posted by Samia Salik on April 19, 2002 at 10:38:05:

you must have had the wrong link. that was just about illegally taken animals. from what i understand, what you say is true about snakes, but not other reptiles. it is perfectly legal to ship lizards via us postal, and ups if you have a contract with them, and airborne for turtles and frogs.
about the lacey act, it is true that you are supposed to label all boxes with scientific name and common name, but i must admit that i have NEVER seen it done. shippers are not informed about this and neither are dealers. there is no info in the usps codes on labelling with scientific name that i am aware of. the post office certainly doesnt ask for it. seems like one of those laws that is never enforced.
i'm glad your snake made it ok. reptiles are much hardier than people think.
i must say that shipping errors happen whether you pay the $70 or not. i've heard just as many delta dash horror stories as any other carrier.
i'm just glad i do lizards and usps is still accepting them.



: Shipping animals other than through air freight is illegal. I recommend that you read the above terms of the law and see that it is not only for wild caught animals, but also born in captivity, and bred in captivity. Everyone's excuse is cost, time, paperwork. What that tells me is that one is willing to risk the life of the shipped animal as well as cost the customer their time and cause problems for them. Lazy shippers who can't fill out paperwork or find a legal way to ship are just screwing their customers. I am sure some animals make it fine. That doesn't make it okay. I had a not so great experience yesterday that tells me the time and money you spend is every bit worth it.

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