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Re: I cant wait to go tommorow!

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Posted by STARMOM on January 11, 2003 at 20:23:50:

In Reply to: White Plains Today!... Long posted by leprachaun13 on January 11, 2003 at 20:12:16:

Im glad that it was so much fun! sorry you went back twice and didnt get to meet mike, bummer!

what do you mean pressure to buy? your own personal internal to "want" something or are you talking about high pressure sales?

is this a large room that this is held in, the ad states "lower level" I have never been to that venue before, Its probably only 45min - l hr for us to get down there, but Im origionally from the island and travel that way all the time, is it really right off the cross bronx expressway?

so what do you think you would like to add to your collection after seeing what you saw today?

cant wait.....cant wait.....cant wait.......leaving early to get there early.........

Ok, as far as the show, I think it went pretty well. There were a lot of Leachies, Sandfire Dragon Ranch had some plus some beautiful Sarasinorum Chahoua and Ciliatus, Don Hamper had quite a few including one with a lot of pink, and some other private breeders did too especially an amazing dark ana isle hatchling.

:I noticed a lot of different Rhacs the second time i was there (long story), and had an overall good time. I used my new found will power to keep from buying anything, but now have some new creatures to think about.

:I must admit that I was pretty tempted by a beautiful Chahoua at Sandfire Dragon Ranch, and another beautiful orange-yellow crested at Gexfiles (and I'm not usually that interested in cresteds).

:But how did everyone else's shopping go today? I know that Starmom was planning on picking up a Gargoyle. And Mike, you were picking up some Leachies, Right? Did anyone else buy anything at the show?

:Needless to say I had a very interesting day today. I came into the show as early as possible, around 11:15, and looked around for quite a bit, but after a while, the pressures of buying got a little too strong. Before I left, I dropped by the Gexfiles table, but I couldn't find you Mike. The only person there was a woman with a nametag that said Trace. I hung around a bit, but then decided that I better get going, so I left. On the way home, I got kind of guilty about not getting to meet you, or have a decent conversation, so I went home for a bit. Then made the trip back up to White Plains (I knew I couldn't make it tomorrow). I went back in for a little while longer, and stopped by the Gexfiles table again around 3:30 but again the only person there was the woman named Trace. I had a short conversation about the beautiful pictures that were displayed at the table, and was also a little inspired about something that the woman said. She was talking to a customer, and said something like, "We'd rather sell our animals for a little bit less, if we know that they are going to good, caring homes." On that note I was really impressed, because most people selling animals are happier to get the money than to care about where their animals are going. By that time, everyone was beginning to pack up, so I decided I had to leave...again. So, Mike, I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you, or anyone else for that matter, but I really enjoyed your table, and maybe I'll see you at the next White Plains.

:Good luck tomorrow, and I hope everyone got what they wanted from the show.


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