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Re: I cant wait to go tommorow!

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Posted by leprachaun13 on January 12, 2003 at 11:45:12:

In Reply to: Re: I cant wait to go tommorow! posted by STARMOM on January 11, 2003 at 20:23:50:

All shows induce this kind of "primal desire" to buy another beautiful animal, but I'm learning to tame that. It's kind of like Ti Chi, I'm learning my inner strength, LOL. After seeing some of Mike's cresteds I'm re-evaluating them. I never had much of an interest in them until I saw them at his table. The other Rhac that I know that I'm going to get next is a pair of Chahoua. They look like better colored Leachies with a shorter snout, bigger eyes, longer tail and smaller size.

The directions are pretty straight forward, it's right off Rt. 119. That's if your coming by way of the Tappan Zee Bridge and such. I lived on Long Island for quite a while, so I pretty much had the directions engraved in my mind before hand. You said that you lived on the Island for a little too eh. Where'd you live. I was living in Valley Stream right off of Sunset Highway. And now most of my family lives in Baldwin.

The show is pretty layed back, and not too much pressure, but before you leave make sure to check out Gexfiles, Sandfire Dragon Ranch, and Don Hamper for sure, they had the largest amounts of Rhacs.

Have a good time, and I hope to see some pics of the new arrival to the menagerie.


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