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Falling for the Retics...a bit long

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Posted by poetichusky on April 14, 2003 at 23:54:00:

Hello All,
I'm a huge Ball Python fan and I'm going to be breeding my BP's in the near future. However, lately I've been falling in love with the Retics. They are so gorgeous. I'm sure they also have a more voracious appetite compared to my BP's too. I've been doing alot of reading up on them and I'm thinking about getting a dwarf. I hear they have great temperments and stay a smaller size, which I think would be good for a first retic. I browse the classifieds often. I'm finding that they are somewhat hard to come by, in turn with a bit higher price. Is this just a slow time of year for the production of dwarfs? If so, when are they somewhat plentiful? I was planning on attending the NY reptile expo in July, seen as how I missed out on it yesturday. Would there be any reputable Dwarf breeders there? I breifly saw someone who got one yesturday at the show and didn't have time to ask any questions, as I was at work. It was an awesome snake(too bad I didn't get to hold it). Anyone with any kind of info on how I can get a dwarf(maybe even with a short term payment plan), would be greatly appreciated. I'm not in a real hurry as I want to do all the research and looking I can, before I actually get one, but I wanted to know how available they usually are. It's not often that there's a show around here. Also, let me know if I'm correct in thinking a dwarf would make a good first Retic. Thanks in advance for a response. :)
Newbie Retic Lover,

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