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Re: Falling for the Retics...a bit long

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Posted by nhherp on April 15, 2003 at 00:47:07:

In Reply to: Falling for the Retics...a bit long posted by poetichusky on April 14, 2003 at 23:54:00:

:Buy from the breeder who produced them. I doubt you will see legitamate CBB dwarfs at any shows this year unless they are on one of the following breeders' table, and thats if they bother with shows. True CBB dwarfs are rare. These guys produced them first I believe, so I recommend you talk to them. As far as prices they are set by the breeder and the rarity of CBB. The tigerxdwarf crosses you see will be smaller but not true dwarfs, genetic size potential must still be accounted for.

Shaun DeBord-Jampeas(pures)
Winslow Murdoch-Kayuadi(pures)
Mike Wilbanks-dwarf cross(superdwarf x jampea- if memory serves)

The nice aspect of dwarfs is you get a retic that will not have the potential of being huge. Do your research and talk to the breeders for the best information. Retics still behave much differently then balls, and an 8 ft retic on the move can still be a handful if you are just beginning. Im not trying to talk you out of them just offer sound advice on one of most fascinating species of pythons in the world.
notah howe

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