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Re: Falling for the Retics...a bit long

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Posted by davep on April 15, 2003 at 00:59:17:

In Reply to: Falling for the Retics...a bit long posted by poetichusky on April 14, 2003 at 23:54:00:

Before you get a retic, please BE SURE to understand the following:

1. "Dwarfs" regularly get 14'. That's FOURTEEN feet! A dwarf for a retic, but this is a massive snake that is potentially dangerous to humans.
2. Go find a 10-14 foot retic to handle. Handle it for 20 minutes. Do you still want one of these monsters in your house?
3. Do you have room for an 8' X 4' cage?
4. Are you willing to feed 5lb bunnies regularly?

Don't trust anyone who trys to sell you "dwarf" retics if they don't have photos of the parents and bred the babies themselves. Ask about the parent's size. Dwarf does not equal little. Read a ton and think hard before diving in.

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