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Aquaclear 300 for a 20G long tank

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Posted by kiwiturtle on April 19, 2003 at 14:56:21:

I just ordered the Aquaclear 300 for my 20G long tank, following recommendations on Austin's Turtle Page. The flow rate is 300 GPH. I have 2 hatchlings (~1.5"). I was just wondering why such a strong filtration power is needed for a relativefly small tank?

I know that there's no such a thing as too much filtration, but I'm a bit worried about my turts being pinned to the water intake. I have an idea of maybe drilling some holes on a ping pong ball and attach it to the end of the intake tube to increase the surface area (hence lesson the suction force). What other approaches have you succesfully adopted to minimize dangers to small turts?

Thanks a bunch!

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