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lettuce; food or what?

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Posted by trtllovr on April 07, 2003 at 19:40:47:

Hey guys,

I picked my turtles eating habits to be every other day (she's approximatly 5 1/2 inches long) and to eat for 10-15 minutes. she gets a variety of foods, but one thing she loves doing is scavenging for it. So, when i feed her, i give her some reptomin etc, and i also give her little tiny peices of carrot that get carried away with the flow of her filter and then they drop in between the rocks. now, she loves carrots, and hunting, so i use that for enrichment, but thats not all i give her, after i'm done feeding her after 5 minutes i through a few peices of lettuce in there that she will only eat when i'm not looking. Now, a half hour later she is still eating lettuce becuase she switches back and fourth between scavenging and eating... Question- should i consider the lettuce part of her 10-15 minutes of eating and cut down on her other food? or is lettuce something they can eat alot of anytime. Ive done this regimin with her for a year now and she's perfectly healthy, i just didn't know if anyone else had any advice... thanks

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