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Re: You mean wriggling its fangs like this snake...N/P

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Posted by Francis Tan on November 14, 2002 at 01:13:13:

In Reply to: I agree ... posted by BGF on November 13, 2002 at 07:41:42:

:I rate boomslangs as in the same category as mambas and taipans. They are extraordinarily agile and move in a deceptive silky smooth way. One second they are in the back of the cage, the next a foot and a half of snake is sticking out of the cage gently swaying back and forth with the mouth agape.

:They store the venom and do not need to chew to get it going. A snap bite is all it takes. Compounding this is that there are 2-3 very long fangs on either side, just below the eye. The fangs actually are highly mobile and can actually wiggle outwards a bit. Combining high agility, lots of speed, appreciable size (1.5 - 2 meters), lots of long, moveable fangs and a very very toxic venom means that they are a serious snake to deal with.

:All that said, they are one of my favorites and an absolute pleasure to keep ;-)

:All the best

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