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Rough Skin Newt Problem

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Posted by axanthus on May 01, 2003 at 17:40:52:

In Reply to: Rough Skin Newt Problem posted by shoegazer on May 01, 2003 at 15:26:53:

Actually, there are problems that can cause egg retention, which can lead to further problems. Egg retention occurs when maturing ova become lodged in the oviduct while the remainder of the egg mass is held within the ovisac. This can result in ovarian cysts, leading further to the liberation of toxins and the displacement of organs causing clinical depression, dehydration, septicemia, shock, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. (Amphibian Medicine and Captive Husbandry, Wright and Whitaker).

However, I doubt that's what the problem is. Bacterial infections, such as those from Hydrophila spp., have been known to cause paralysis in amphibians in advanced cases. I would suggest you replace the contents of the home with new, clean materials. You can also quarantine him on damp, bleach-free paper towls (7th generation recyled are good) if you think the problem is life threatening. Bacteria can live in soil, as well as water.


:Hmmm...that's a curious thing for that article to say. Egg retention is never a problem in caudates, they are simply reabsorbed. Your problem sounds more like an infection or an internal injury.

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