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Posted by pepijn on May 09, 2003 at 13:28:46:

In Reply to: Actually posted by FR on May 09, 2003 at 13:11:49:

I must agree with you. But I think croc's might not really be suited for captive ownership by most private herp lovers. Due to sheer size and requirements I think these beautiesa are just out of reach for most of us. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everyone that knows how to give these animals a prosperous life, but I'm affraid that no one can really afford to give up the space in your house to house these animals correctly.. I know, not my call to make.. but we all agree that Komodo dragons are just a bit out of it.. so why not crocs and lacies?? Again, when serious no problem, but I allready have problems with housing and excercising my 2 ornates, let alone having an animmal twice the size and bulk...

As you mentioned, smaller species give more interaction/behaviour etc. Why do people still go with the large ones?? It's either sacrificing your own life (in living space and food for the animal) or sacrificing the animal.... or being very wealthy indeed....

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