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Posted by rjward97 on May 02, 2003 at 20:45:54:

I have asked a few other herpers, but wanted to get as much info from keepers as possible.
I keep kenyan sand boas; along with a green iguana, a red eared slider and a few others. My kids(5 and 2)love to hold them. But the snakes are not to keen on it. The female will be calm for about 5 minutes then get irritated and try to escape. The male is much less tolerable of them.
So I am looking for a snake that would not mind being held more often. My son, 5 yrs, has wanted a RED snake ever since he was 3... or really any snake with some red on it. My daugher, 2 the real snake lover... man she wails when I have to put the ksb's away... lol.. and I could really care less what kind of snake we get.
But as to my question, is their a milksnake that doesn't get stressed from frequent handling? (I am also looking into other types of snakes if you have any other suggestions)

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