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Tom... I couldn't agree with you anymore! Corns Corns n/p

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Posted by fantasy on May 06, 2003 at 11:48:18:

In Reply to: What do you think? posted by Nokturnel Tom on May 02, 2003 at 23:05:59:

:Hmmmmmmmmm, if you plan on getting a hatchling I would steer away from Milks. If you will most likely purchase an adult that's a different story. Baby Milks can be extremely fast and squirmy. It would be likely to end up on the floor and under furniture within a week. On the other hand adults can be real easy going and tolerate handling pretty well. Of all I would recommend a Black Milk, they start off as pretty red yellow and black tri colors and turn jet black. They're pretty relaxed even as babies an adults are real calm. They do get quite big though for a child. If I were you I would look into a Corn snake. There's a zillion red ones and many are puppy tame and never bite. There's always the exception though but overall I bet that will be most peoples recommendation. I hope my daughter ends up liking snakes! If you have any more questions feel free to email me. Some good sites for pics are on the South Mountain and Corn Utopia sites Tom

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