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What do you think?

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Posted by rtdunham on May 04, 2003 at 21:37:17:

In Reply to: What do you think? posted by solarboy on May 03, 2003 at 11:58:42:

: Get a hatchling blackmilk.

Here's a different opinion: no baby milksnake deserves to be handled by a two year old and a five year old. see other recent posts on this forum about baby milks' need for privacy/security, at least until they're a year old. Don't misunderstand me, I love kids, and my daughters had snakes when they were young, but not two. What's to be gained by not waiting til the kids are, say, five and eight? Is there any question that letting them have their first snake to handle regularly, at that age, they'll still develop a proper respect for living things and interest in snakes and other reptiles? I think the poster should give some serious re-thinking to his motives and concern for the reptiles, as well as the kids: A two year old or a five year old can barely be held responsible for what they do: But they may remember later if they harm a living thing accidentally at that age. Buy them stuffed snakes, for gosh sakes, and let them look at...even touch...but not handle the poster's snakes. We're talking adult responsibility here, not just to the snakes but to the kids. That's my take, anyway.

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