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Feeding Crickets

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Posted by Erin - SS on May 08, 2003 at 03:43:27:

In Reply to: Feeding Crickets posted by rbriers on May 07, 2003 at 21:56:47:

If you leave crix in 24/7 there's the major potential to stress the leos. Crix will much on reptiles just FYI. As far as putting them in another container, I personally haven't tried it, but definitely see the advantages. A separate bin keeps the leos from ingesting substrate and prevents crix from hiding in furniture and such, and as long as your leo is ok with being handled, it shouldn't stress them too much. I don't know about removing all the furniture, that seems rather silly (there could be something I'm not aware of or not thinking about, but I wouldn't do it). If a "clear" place to hunt is what you're after, another container seems to make more sense. I personally put in enough crix for the kids to eat in a reasonable amount of time and if there are any left over, take 'em out. Since I'm not super big on hunting down crix, I typically put several in, check a little later and then add a few if they're all gone. I've had lots of success with that. Go with what works for you.


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