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Heating Snakes and UVB.... Everyone needs to read this...

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Posted by Bammer on January 21, 2003 at 18:14:16:

How do YOU heat your Snakes?

This is a long post how I think some store owners can be evil.

Ok, Yesterday... I went with my friend to help him get a snake. I knew what the snake needed. (He was getting a snow cornsnake) He had the tank and everything.. except a method of heat. We went into this petstore and I was asking how much the heating pads are and we was looking at the snake. Well... The owner said a heating pad wouldnt be enough and we needed.. UVB LIGHTS!! YES, YOU HEARD ME!!


(In case some of you dont know what these are.. they are the long bulb you see over fish tanks and large lizard cages) SHe walked away for a moment and I said to my friend "she is trying to cheat us".... ok.. basically I said to the store owner that snakes DO NOT NEED UVB.. in a calm manner of course. ANd she got very frustrated with me and rudely told me I was wrong. I was so pissed off. SHe said how she had snakes that got sick or died and once she put the lights on they got better... and how vets told her about the lights...

I am no expert. I know that. But I have been keeping my snakes without UVB for all the time I have had snakes. Never Have I Had ONE Death.

Ok, Here is the part were I might feel like an idiot if you all say "Yes." Do snakes need UVB? Last night the way I care for my snakes was questioned.. and I want to do everything right. I think the lady just wanted the money..... sigh... how corrupt some people are....

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