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I think it was just me.. a summary if you want to save time

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Posted by Doug T on March 18, 2003 at 23:57:28:

In Reply to: Housing a Burmese python with an Indigo? posted by ThaVille on March 18, 2003 at 23:25:05:

I was saying I had seen it and that both were thriving. It was Not a recomendation for how to house either Burmese Pythons or Indigos.

It was part of a discussion on housing different species together. Some folks were becoming rather insulting to others about it, so I thought I'd toss a touch of real-life, seen with my own eyes experience about the very first indigo I ever saw in the flesh. It was being housed with a big ol' burmese python, and had been for years.

Several folks were bringing up the real risks involved with housing different species together, while others mentioned that I should never have children or be allowed to keep animals because I thought it possible that certain species might actually be able to coexist in the same cage.

I promise Ville, I will do my best not to have children of my own. I can't promise that I'll not keep animals though.

Doug T

:I'm no expert, but a few people over at the python forum told me this was OK. I was just wondering what you guys thought about it. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself. This is not a troll attack, but a serious quandry.

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