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time to put our $$ where our mouth is(all Dry breeders read)

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Posted by DeanAlessandrini on February 04, 2003 at 15:38:34:

So…it’s time for us to put our money where our mouths is!
I will be (very soon) introducing my first nomination to receive the donations from snakes sales as many of you so kindly and unselfishly agreed to.

The person I will be introducing is heading up the GA indigo study, and is on a shoestring budget. We have a REAL chance to help wild indigos here folks.

So…I want input on what to name this group. OUR group. The group that anyone who cares will want to buy their baby Dry’s from because we are the ones giving back.

I envision this "logo" by our name each time we offer a baby for sale…guaranteeing the buyer that 10% (I think that’s the # we agreed on) of the sale will go toward recovery efforts / conservation of habitat etc.

We need (in my opinion) to assure that the recipient would be willing to send a letter EACH TIME a donation is made to the end user (buyer of the snake) thanking them for the donation. This way, we can weed out the breeder who would be tempted to say they are part of our group…but not actually contribute.

Anyway…we need a name, right?
Vote on this?

I’ll start off with one idea here, and I’d like everyone to think of a suggestion or 2.

Here’s mine:

The BGB association (Breeders giving back)

PS...Since I started the wheels turning on this, I'm kind of taking the reins, but I want input from everyone as to how to make this thing work...who to contribute to (I'm working on more ideas), how much, how to promote it...etc etc.

let' rock...

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