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Re: Keeled scales in males.....How about cribos?

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Posted by tvandeventer on February 01, 2003 at 06:38:08:

In Reply to: Keeled scales in males..... posted by redgarter on January 31, 2003 at 21:13:46:

: Well Dean, you took so much time to follow up on one of your earlier posts that I went ahead and did it for ya! ;-)

:So, what's this about keeled scale dimorphism in indigos? I had never noticed myself before you brought it up, and had never heard of such a phenomenon in any snake species either. Do you know of any others, and is there anything in the litterature about it, or were your the first guy to notice this intriguing difference in the sexes?

: I think this topic was brought up in the past, but I wasn't a forum visitor when it happened probably, so would appreciate some info.

:Dr. Phil

Hi Guys,

I've been aware of the keeled scales on eastern indigos for many years, although I never made the association as to whether they occured on males or females or both. After twenty years of being indigo-less, I received a 6' blacktail this very week. Just went and checked - no keels whatsoever. Y'all check your various cribos and report back. If easterns are the only ones that have keels, this may be just one more little morphological feature pointing to Drymarchon couperi as a full species.

Cheers, Terry Vandeventer

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