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Re: Colombian gray cribos: hey TV, we're getting old! more..

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Posted by Rob Carmichael on January 17, 2003 at 12:16:16:

In Reply to: Re: Colombian gray cribos: hey TV, we're getting old! more.. posted by tvandeventer on January 17, 2003 at 06:59:38:

Terry, you don't by any chance have a pic of that yellow tail do you? If I caught (saw) a snake like that I think I would feel my heart pounding out of my chest.

:: I remember them. A friend had a pair. I remember they were savage and they stayed in the branches in his 6' tall cage. I thought of Cribos as being very arboreal snakes because of his.
:: I remember Tarpon Zoo and all of the other dealers who advertised in the back of "Field and Stream" and "Outdoor Life" magazines.I always think of you as having those incredible locality Boa Constrictors.Do you still breed boas? Are you still Arco Iris?
::Take care,

:Exactly! I was dissappointed after many years of not seeing melanurus on the market, to suddenly seeing Honduran specimens that were often as dark as Texas Indigos. Yesterday I purchased the male that Mark Lucas was advertising. He had a photo in the classifieds. Kind of light honey brown I guess. As close to the Costa Rican cribos as I've seen. No silver ones so far.

:Yeah Steve, I'm still Arco Iris Herpetoculture. Cut back a lot though. Still breeding some boas, Chondros, rainbows, etc. Can't ship out of Jackson, Mississippi by any method so that's put a damper on 30 years of building a reptile breeding business. Just going through my second childhood here. Caught a 9'1" Yellow-tail Cribo a couple of years ago in Peru. That, and visiting this site have rekindled my interest in Drymarchon. Cheers, Terry


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