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Posted by dan felice on January 19, 2003 at 17:08:23:

In Reply to: no sports gene huh? posted by dan felice on January 19, 2003 at 05:13:54:

:::to any tampa bay fans out there, i have a question. i'm aware of the bucs record in games w/ the temp below 40* but i'm in the dark about how they do in temps below 20*? not too good? as our fearless leader likes to say.......HAH!

::Well, Spousal Unit & I aren't exactly fans (I made sure I got a guy without the Sports Gene), but we are denizens of the Bay area.

::It's pretty cold here right now--43F (it would be okay if all of my winter clothes weren't in storage SINCE PACKED IN LATE JUNE). My guess is that the Bucs won't be too fond of the cold.

::We were supposed to close on a house on Monday; the house in New Orleans sold & closed on 12/30. There are a few title issues with the "new" house, two business days before our closing date, of course. We've had to take a second 90 day extension on storage of our household goods. "Shadrack Meshack the (Tex)Indigo" is still in residence on top of the dresser in our bedroom here in the apartment. Makes for an interesting "fragrance" from time to time. Every time I see a Drymarchon listed in the classifieds, I feel the confines of this apartment more accutely.

::I bought my husband a "Stump Ripper" field hook for Christmas (he bought me a field guide, romantic devil!), but it's been too cold to find many herps, although we did see a 5-6 ft. 'gator sunning himself beside a pond this afternoon.

::We've joined the local herp club, and we're planning to participate in an outreach at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in February.

::That's the news from Stink Petersburg, Florida


:it's just not the cold, it's the crowd. they stand the whole game and drown out philly international, right down the street. teams don't like to come here, esp. in january! besides...the eagles own them, the bucs know it and the eagles know they know it. good luck w/ getting into the new house!...go eagles! little one for you beatrice. ;-]

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