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I don't mean to sound rude, but...

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Posted by Kat on December 03, 2002 at 17:59:03:

In Reply to: Re: Artificial insemination? posted by bazmonkey on December 03, 2002 at 02:32:52:

Seriously though, I don't think the amount of sperm you'd get from "leftovers" would be enough to inseminate.

I find it very frustrating when people answer questions when they have absolutely zero experience in the matter, and the information in the response is not a generally accepted fact. Bazmonkey, you have 3 snakes of different species. To my knowledge, you have never bred any snakes. To my knowledge you have never even kept more than one of any species of snake. What makes you feel qualified to make a statement like the above if you have never bred snakes? Do you have any evidence to support that snakes do not leave enough leftovers behind that could be used for artificial insemination? Have you ever observed leftovers? I have (cornsnakes), and in my limited experience with breeding those cornsnakes, the amounts leftover were such that if there had been no substrate might have been recoverable into a syringe. Whether this is true for all species of snakes, I have no clue (probably true for more than just corns, but I doubt it's true for all). If you have any actual experience or evidence to suggest that a particular species might or might not produce enough leftovers, then by all means post it. But please, do NOT post your own spurious theoretical conjectures as if they are well-accepted facts.

I realize you are trying to appear knowledgable, but making informative-sounding posts when you know little to nothing about the subject matter does not accomplish that goal.

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