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That's too bad...

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Posted by CulebraOnna on January 31, 2003 at 14:15:32:

In Reply to: whats up with the burm fourm? posted by boaboy13 on January 31, 2003 at 13:29:05:

:They people on there are very rude and just told me i was stuped and had bad grammer and that "stuped people like me shouldent keep burms". I got reallly mad, last time im going there.

I think that while spelling/grammar doesn't necessarily indicate how good of a snake keeper you'll be, it does certainly lend a more mature air to your postings. Remember, you might be the best person to keep snakes, but we don't know you. We tend to judge on typing.

And also, your name indicates that you're a teenager. IMO, teenagers shouldn't keep large snakes (before you start screaming at me, I'm 14), as they just can't properly house and feed them. Also, if you're going to college, what will you do with them? What if you can't take care of them? Do you really think you can take care of an entire clutch of baby burms and sell them to responsible owners?

Yes, I did follow the thread on the burm forums. I think that Rob Carmichael has excellent advice, and he offered it to you in one of the nicest ways possible.

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