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Re: The real problem...

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Posted by Bill Moss on April 17, 2003 at 10:38:16:

In Reply to: Re: The real problem... posted by Adam Britton on April 17, 2003 at 06:04:41:

As nice as that (proving competence) would be, one of the barriers would be the equality of such a system. In Florida, or other southern states, there is expertise available to perform informed inspections and make intelligent decisions. In other states, that expertise does not exsist. Furthermore, the states or the cities are not about to spend money to train personnel and enforce any such regulations.
The *easy* solution, one that requires little thought, little research, and minimal common sense, is to pass legislation that bans everything considered to be exotic (which is most cases is defined as 'animal life that I don't understand nor to I wish to understand'. This is what is happening all over the USA right now.


:>>>Allowing people the freedom of keeping potentially dangerous animals as long as they prove that they have the knowledge, experience and facilities to do so.<<<

:I'm in full support of this, which is why I talk about common sense legislation. Alas, these sensibilities are hard to find when it comes to such matters! I think insufficient people agree with our philosophy, that's the problem.

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