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Re: The real problem...

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Posted by Adam Britton on April 17, 2003 at 20:31:50:

In Reply to: Re: The real problem... posted by Bill Moss on April 17, 2003 at 10:38:16:

That's right Bill, and in 20 years I think people will look back upon these years (the age of reptiles!) and wonder how remarkable it would have been to keep a leopard gecko, a corn snake, or even a green iguana or American alligator.

>>> In Florida, or other southern states, there is expertise available to perform informed inspections and make intelligent decisions. In other states, that expertise does not exsist.<<<

I don't think the dearth of expertise is entirely the problem - expertise does exist in many more states, but it's a question of implementing a system that's willing to use it properly. Here in Australia for example, it's a question of different attitudes in different states. There is expertise in Queensland yet keeping a saltwater crocodile there is virtually impossible. The NT, by contrast, also has expertise and anyone can keep a crocodile (though there is a size limit in urban areas). Ironically, obtaining a permit in the NT does not require any expert assessment - anyone can obtain a permit. In fact, the newspapers even run the occasional competition to keep one for a year.

There's very little consistency to the way these laws are implemented. They are, funnily enough, as variable as the people in office who make the decisions.


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