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Health Concern

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Posted by JeffP on April 10, 2003 at 16:30:49:

Hi everyone,
I've got a situation that has arisen while my normal Herp Vet is out of town, for a couple of weeks. I noticed a tear on a hind toe, of my Dwarf Caiman. I did not notice this 2 days ago, when I fed him. I was out of town for a day and saw this on my return.
When I picked him up to look closer, I noticed a couple of small cracks in his foot also. As well as a couple of small ones on his side, near the hind leg. The water is kept very clean(completely changed weekly) and it is also well filtered. It stays a constant 82 degrees. He is in a 4'x8' cage, that is half water. He is about 4' long and 3 yrs old. I have raised him from a hatchling.
Before I left, he was acting normal and fed well. His diet has been primarily f/t mice, f/t quail chicks and occasionally fish (live). He has a hide cave on the land and a basking site, he occasionally uses. I examine him, closely, every week and have never noticed any of this before.
I have a vet appointment scheduled, but the main doctor, who I prefer to use, was not currently available. Do you have any ideas, of similar illnesses, that I may guide the doctor with. No doctors, in this area, have extensive experience with crocodilians. I'm not afraid of spending the necessary money, but I want to avoid them doing random kitchen-sink testing. He is definitely lethargic and I would like to keep his stress to a minimum.

Thank you for your time.
(Here is a recent pic. He has been in great health.)

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