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Re: I have seen something like this before.

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Posted by Jimsworld on April 11, 2003 at 22:44:49:

In Reply to: Re: I have seen something like this before. posted by JeffP on April 11, 2003 at 13:02:12:

Be weary of sharp rocks in the habitat...Or any area he could have slipped on climbing. I will check my vet books for possible solutions and let you know what I find...

:Hi John,
: I'll check. I do use mulch for the land substrate, but he would have no access to carpet fibers. On yesterday's inspection, the lesions appeared to be more like tears than constrictions. His one toe is split wide open and it has never been swollen or infected looking.

:I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your concern.
:Be well
:::Check for hair and carpet fibers. I have a Spect. that lost all but three toes on the front, and has a scare around one side of his body. The original owner did not realize that he had one long hair wraped around his feet and middle. I have seen the same happen to gators that have a fiber filters in their tanks.
::Also.. Cyphrus mulch has long, sharp, fiberous, splinters. I used to have problems with my monitors getting splinters stuck in soft skin or cuts between their toes, when the mulch got really dry.
::Good luck. I hope this helps.


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