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Re: hey Rob what do you think

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Posted by boaboy13 on March 06, 2003 at 10:57:42:

In Reply to: Re: hey Rob what do you think posted by Rob Carmichael on March 06, 2003 at 06:51:48:

Hey, yeah i know what its like to be put down and blasted on a herp you all ready own, no fun. But i love what you sead, "put me down about the ownership of this it and go punch your next door neighbor instead" man i don't know why i dident think of saying that lol, good one. But any ways... Crocs are funny about being taimed, some will, some wont, my last gator was a angle and would rarly bite, and would run around my rep room peacefuly when i cleaned out his cage, but tragicly as you all know, he dug out of his pond one hot summer day and was never seen after that (read my post a few post down). But the 27 inch one i have now is satin, hates to be handled, looked at, and hisses and shows me his teeth if i walk in the room, but start handleding now, try to handle him a few times a week. It's hard to say if hand feeding calms them down or not. I hand fed my caimen till he was 2 feet, and he was the meanest thing ever. But if you do, they see your hand as "food" and they start to think you are "food" and they become mean in a new way. So i would not hand feed. But good luck, don't hesatate (spelling?) to ask on here, alot of people can become BIG jerks really fast when they find a post from a "newbie" and will do any thing but help.

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