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Re: Fight back - VOTE Libertarian

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Posted by Brian Macker on December 04, 2002 at 22:45:27:

In Reply to: Re: Fight back - VOTE Libertarian posted by Thamnophile on December 04, 2002 at 20:08:42:

My sister-in-law is a Wiccan. I don't know first thing about it.

It's not an assumption that you don't understand. It was quite clear you don't understand libertarian thinking if you believe it is bad for the environment. Since you think you know the stuff give me ten more examples of rules, laws or actions of the government that are bad for or have destroyed the environment. Do you know why I listed the ones I did? The platform is extremely positive on environmentalism however this goes way beyond the party platform. You need to understand the history and principles of the forces in politics and economics involved. You need to actually know the arguments. If you don't then you really cannot hold a opinion, at least not one with any credibility.

What exactly is your reasoning.

:Your assumption that I don't know what I am talking about is condescending. I am neither a Democrat or Republican - I'm an independant, but I have researched the Libertarian party, and my brother is Libertarian. I simply reached different conclusions than you. I never implied that Libs. were in power - I referred to their party platform in regards to the environment.

:We'll just have to agree to disagree.


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