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tadpole feeding methods

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Posted by Mercedesherp on May 10, 2003 at 07:12:35:

In Reply to: tadpole feeding methods posted by Colchicine on May 09, 2003 at 19:10:25:

:Can you provide a reason why cooked (not boiled) lettuce should not be used? I have raised several species of frogs native to Va on this method alone with the usual metamorph mortality. I don't know what the experts use, but I doubt they spend a lot of time on gray treefrogs and Fowler's toads either.

:I wouldn't use anything from the native pond, I can't think of a better way to introduce and continually expose parasites, diseases, and chemical contaminants to the captive animals.

:::I have about 10 woodfrog tads in a 10g tank, definately not overcrowded. I am wondering why two/three of the tads are quite larger than the majority. They all get a chance to feed and I change half the water daily. Is it a hormonal/pheremonal thing? Also, while cleaning the tank, I fould one tad had been completely dissected and maybe half-eaten. I didn't know that wood frog tads were carnivorous. I am feeding them on crumbled fish flakes and boiled lettuce, and they do eat the algae I allow to grow on the tank walls. any help would be appreciated.

:: There will always be different size tads from any breeding. Some will be geneticly fast growers while others will hardly grow at all. Some will never morph into froglets and will die as tads. I would not feed boiled lettuce. Quality fish food flake supplemented with frehly collected decaying plant matter ( from the same pond ) will do much better. Did you get my message about your unusually colored wood frog? Hank

:The only reason I can give about boiled lettuce not being used as a food source would be the lack of nutritional value and the destruction of vitamins by heat. As far as not introducing any natural pond detrious to the aquarium, I think that the fresh algal growth and possible benificial microflora are worth the potential risks you outlined above. One must use good judgement when collecting the material. Hank

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