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Fat Ethel

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Posted by LizardFlorida on May 09, 2003 at 08:14:11:

My new male bullfrog has gained a considerable amount of weight since I got him almost a week ago. And not only enjoys being hand fed but has acquired a new skill--he is becoming more proficient with begging. He looks at me and gives me cow eyes every time I go past his terrarium, and will follow me as I walk past. Very sad cow eyes. and sits and looks very very sweet and innocent. Since he looks so cute I will feed him a few more crickets. I think he eats about 20 crickets a day now. and superworms.

So I am wondering should I continue to feed him that way until he gets extraordinarly big, or should I cut down on his food?

Should I give him a pinkie sometimes too?

Anyway I gave him a name already-Ethel. Fat Ethel. Because he looks like a fat Ethel. And my other bullfrog, which I am sure is a female, I call her Bertha. But despite that one was hand raised I cannot get her to eat out of my hand or anything. She only eats while I am away. and jumps around like crazy when I try to clean out her cage.

My male bullfrog (Ethel) would care less what I do. He just sits there and...begs for food.


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