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how long will Fat Ethel live in captivity???

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Posted by LizardFlorida on May 09, 2003 at 22:12:54:

In Reply to: Fat Ethel posted by ginevive on May 09, 2003 at 08:56:09:

Once or twice a week????? Problem is, he quickly learned how to beg and he actually will follow me with his head when I cross the room. Since this was wild captured I am wondering if he was just plain starving because he gained a considerable amount of weight in a short period of time.

He exhibits NO fear of me. Nothing skiddish about this one.
Maybe I should continue to feed him daily until quite full until he slows down with eating? Like I said before he didn`t look that good when I first got him, and sunday will be one week since I had him.

How long will American bullfrogs live in captivity??


:Wow, a bullfrog that begs for food. The only pets I have that do that are my tiger salamanders (and my cat.) I like your frog names, though, glad I am not the only one who names my frogs. (I currently have a toad named "ampee-fire" because when he calls, his throat acts like an amplifier. No one in this household is in a band, nooo...)
:I would only feed the bullfrog once or twice a week, because doing more could lead to overeating, which is never good. I fed my male bullfrog about 10 smaller minnows overnight, he devoured all aand would eat more, but I have to make up for his lack of knowing when to stop eating, in this unnatural environment. In the wild, they eat alot, but I saw many large bulls in a pond nearby who sat around uninterested while small leopard frogs (tasty morsels to the bulls) hopped everywhere.
:I just feed my bullfrog once or twice a week, either about 10 crix or 10 small (or) 5 large minnows. He has started eating and growing again after the winter hibernation when he did not grow at all. Basically, when I sense that he is full up, I remove any uneaten fish or stop handfeeding the crix and give him a few days to digest.

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