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how long will Fat Ethel live in captivity???

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Posted by Convicts4Ever on May 10, 2003 at 20:25:52:

In Reply to: how long will Fat Ethel live in captivity??? posted by ginevive on May 10, 2003 at 06:03:38:

:It 's kinda hard to say how long he'll live because you dont really know how old he is now. But they can live for many years. If you're just giving him one or two food items like crickets, you could give them every day or every other day. If he looked thin when you got him, it would be wise to gradually get him back to an ideal weight, but not to shock his system by overfeeding right away. Maybe also use some vitamin/calcium powder?
:Was he injured or really thin when you caught him? Usually I would say it is bad to take wild frogs from the wild, but bullfrogs are an exception because they are introduced to many areas, and I am sure there's no shortage of them in this country :)

One of my friends has an 11 year old American Bull Frog(he cought it 11 years ago). I've been to a site today that says that they can live anywhere from 5 to 7 years as an average, but as you know, most wild animals that have short lives in the wild can live extremely long lives in captivity. Just don't feed him anything very fatty very often, and there shouldn't be any problems.

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