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just an amateur observation/question...

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Posted by jsm on April 21, 2003 at 14:25:41:

I notice that when my tank temp goes down, my FBT seem to go darker...real dark. I know that darken when shedding skin but I noticed that this happens when it cools of in there as well. As soon as it heats up again, they turn lime green again. With in a few minutes. Is this merely coincidence? Or could it be that temp effects there color too? (FYI, please don’t read to much into this...I am not 'freezing' my FBT. I’m talkin’ going from 78 to 73 degrees to 79 again more or less a bit. I'm in Denver so it gets cold at night no matter what I do. I just don’t want you to think it going from 85 to 60 degrees or anything...;-)

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